Dear Mr I’m Busy and Messrs I Feel Fine

Dear Mr I’m Busy and Messrs I Feel Fine

According to the professionals an 18-30 year old man “should” visit the GP every two to three years .

Let’s compare that to the annual (compulsory) MOT for a vehicle. That’s before we consider the type of fuel or motor oil you allow into the whip, standard vs premium?

Do you wait until the vehicle is misfiring to check on those spark plugs or the head gasket  is blown before swapping out those air & oil filters? I hope not, it can be quite pricey. 

As Oscar Wilde put it, “Experience is the greatest teacher, it gives you the test first and the lesson afterwards.”

Lads, once you hit the 30 mark, an annual visit to the GP is the recommended minimum.

According to US doctor, Culley C. Carson III, MD, “The majority of men don’t see a physician until they get sick or have some significant problem in their 40s, 50s or 60s. To some extent, there’s a denial of the need for physicians. That’s part of the problem – a macho feeling that there’s nothing a physician can do for you”

Exercise, nutrition, meditation, journaling, prayer and a solid support network all contribute a healthy physical, mental and spiritual lifestyle. Let’s not forget that annual MOT (as a minimum) for the body too gents.

Check out the Men’s Health Week guide by the UK’s National Health Service here.


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