Keep powering through, come what may

Keep powering through, come what may

So, today I went for my routine 15k on the indoor cycle. I always set the resistance to 10 then get going with the aim to be done in 30 mins or less.

Today, it felt very hard. I thought, boy, my legs are really tired at 68-72 rpm's. Meanwhile, the guy next to me was powering away at over 80 rpm's. Nevertheless, I didn’t get discouraged and pushed through without quitting. I was close to giving up though. The gym clothing was soaking and sweat dripping all over the bike (not to worry, my gym etiquette is decent and I did the standard wipe down thing afterwards).

It is not until the guy next to me, started toggling with another handle, one I never touch, that I realised I was on a higher resistance than usual. I ended up beating my usual time by 2-3 minutes 😆 

The moral of the story is best summed up by one of Mohammed Ali’s quotes, “I don't count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.”

You are capable of so much more, don't quit. Just do it! 

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